Future Worlds Center is a partner in the international multipliers’ training course "Human Rights CREATIVE" from April 4th to 11th 2011 and we are looking for participants from Cyprus! Other participants coming are from England, Netherlands, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Malta and Germany. The deadline is 28 February so act now to be included!
Please find the detailed description below.
If you know anybody (teachers, trainers, social workers, students etc.) who might be interested in participating, please pass this information on and promote the course. It will be a very exciting and very international event.
Training Course
"Human Rights CREATIVE“ at International House Sonnenberg / Germany
April 4th to 11th, 2011
About the projectThe Training Course ”Human Rights CREATIVE” is organized by the International House Sonnenberg in cooperation with the DARE-network (www.dare-network.eu) and nine partner organizations from different European countries that are active in the field of Human Rights education, and it is mainly financed by the “Youth in Action” Programme of the EU.
During the training course between 30 and 40 multipliers from the nine partner countries that are United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Germany will firstly get a short general introduction into the topic of Human Rights and Human Rights Education (HRE), in order to then get to know a wide range of methods with a creative approach (such as theatre, film, arts etc.) that can be used to work with (international) young people on the topic of Human Rights.
About usThe International House Sonnenberg is an education center offering many different kinds of conferences, seminars and other educational activities for youth, children, adults and families. A huge focus lies on international encounters, political issues and training courses for multipliers.
More information:
www.sonnenberg-international.deIn April 2009 we facilitated the course “Methods of Human Rights Education in Youth Work” in cooperation with the DARE-network. You can find the documentation at
http://www.dare-network.eu/downloads/DARE_BLUE_LINES_Methodologies_of_Human_Rights_Education.pdfTarget groupThe Course addresses young multipliers, aged between 18 and 35, such as youth workers, youth leaders, social workers, teachers, students of educational subjects but also volunteers and all other people working with youth and interested in the topic of Human Rights.
Topics that will be covered in our training course “Human Rights CREATIVE”:
? What are Human Rights and where do they come from?
? The importance and aims of Human Rights Education (HRE)
? A simulation game on a current topic related to Human Rights
? Individual Workshops, held by different international experts, teaching a variety of creative approaches for teaching Human Rights, e.g. theatre methods, artistic methods, video/films, photography, …
? Exchange of experiences and best-practice examples in the field of HRE
? One-day-excursion to visit projects/organizations active in Human Rights Education
? Developing ideas for (joint) practical projects, using creative methods of HRE
Objectives- to equip international multipliers with a range of creative methods for teaching Human Rights
- to stimulate participants to take an active role in promoting Human Rights
- to arise young people's awareness of topics related to Human Rights
The methodology of the training courseThe project is designed as an open learning process based on participants’ exchange of experiences and opinions. The training course follows the approach of non-formal and social education. In addition we will invite international experts to hold workshops on creative methods and to give presentations on the theoretical background of Human Rights (Education).
Working languageEnglish – all participants must be able to actively communicate in English
PrerequisitesWe are expecting from participants in our training course “Human Rights CREATIVE” to have:
? previous experiences and knowledge of working with young people
? great interest in the field of Human Rights
? good English communication skills
? willingness to contribute to the program with a presentation on either your organization, a certain project you have been involved with or a good practice example. It should be practical information that the other participants will benefit from!
? willingness to develop a project within the Youth in Action Programme as an outcome of the training course
? willingness to participate throughout the full duration of the Training Course
Financial conditionsThe participation fee for each participant will be: 130,- Euros
There is a reduced fee for participants from Eastern European countries: 80,- Euros
The fee includes food and lodging at our beautiful education center as well as program costs during the entire training course.
70% of your travel costs will be reimbursed, if you hand in or show us the original tickets at the training course. Example: If the ticket costs you 200 Euro, then 140 Euro will be reimbursed after the event. (Using the cheapest transport is required: 2nd class train, economy airfare, etc.)
TrainersJochen Dallmer, Berlin/Germany, “Young Friends of the Earth Germany”
Samuel Antonio Mejias, London/United Kingdom, Researcher (writing PhD) “Institute of Education, University of London”
Speakers / Workshop facilitators
“Human Rights – origin, vision, reality” – Frank Elbers, Netherlands, Stichting Human Rights Education Associates
“Theatre of Human Rights” – Borislava Daskalova, Bulgaria, Trainer of Forum Theatre
“Children Rights – seen creatively” – Massimo di Rienzo & team, Rome/Italy, Menougualepiu
“Making Human Rights Videos” – Samuel A. Mejias, London/United Kingdom, University of London
“Drumming for Human Rights” – Christine Holtkamp, Trainer of Samba and political action
“Murals – colorful reminders of Human Rights” – Cathy Bird, United Kingdom
“Human Rights in film and sound” – N.N.
Partners involved
? “Partners Bulgaria Foundation”, Bulgaria, www.partnersbg.org
? “Future Worlds Center”, Cyprus, www.futureworldscenter.org
? “European Safer Schools Partnership”, United Kingdom, www.esspd.org
? “Active Citizenship Foundation”, Hungary, www.aktivpolgar.hu
? “MenougualepiĆ¹ s.r.l.”, Italy, www.menougualepiu.it
? Informal group of multipliers, Malta
? “Human Rights Education Associates”, Netherlands, www.hrea.org
? “Education for the Future”, Poland
Application Procedure
Participation is only possible upon accepted application as the number of places is limited. Please fill the application form that is available to download at
www.sonnenberg-international.de > conferences > Human Rights CREATIVE.
Application deadline is 28th of February 2011. Please use the application form only, don’t send additional documents. Selection of participants will be upon their experience and commitment. We seek active people who can use creative methods of Human Rights Education in their youth work. Participation is only possible for the whole programme, not for single days or sessions.
If you are interested in participating, please fill in the attached application form and send it to us by Feb 28th.
Further details on program, location, travel reimbursement and all other technicalities will be given to confirmed participants in March.
For more information about the Training Course, please contact Katja Pƶtzsch-Martin by e-mail:
k.poetzsch@sonnenberg-international.de or call +49-(0)5582-944-148 / -0
Internationales Haus Sonnenberg
Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V.
Clausthaler Str. 11
37444 St. Andreasberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 5582/ 944 -148
Fax: +49 (0) 5582/ 944 -100