Perceptions of borders influence our society.
This week 25 young multipliers from Cyprus, France and Germany will are in Nicosia for a week-long seminar held at the Cyprus Community Media Centre to explore the stories of and behind borders through the lens of a photo camera.
The seminar is one of a series of 3 seminars. The first was held in Berlin in September 2010. Nicosia is the host city in May 2011 and the final seminar will take place in Marseille 2012. The cities chosen for this project all represent the contexts of different aspects of borders, lines and walls: Berlin as a symbol for the division and reunification of Germany and Europe; Nicosia as the last divided capital city in Europe; and Marseille, a port and immigration city, as a gateway between Europe and Africa.
This particular seminar in Nicosia aims to build on the experiences of the first seminar in Berlin and will encourage participants to explore parallels and connections between the two cities, the way that walls influence social interactions, urban landscapes and narratives. Participants are encouraged to build on the photographic material created during the seminar in Berlin and take it a step further during the weeklong seminar in Nicosia. Furthermore, the seminar will act as a catalyst for the third seminar in Marseille.
The seminar will conclude with a public photo exhibition on Friday 6th May at 18:00hrs, presenting the work produced by the participants. The exhibition will be part of the larger events around the inauguration of the Home for Cooperation in the Buffer Zone opposite Ledra Palace. Everyone is invited to attend.
The seminar receives funding from the German-French Youth Office and the German Embassy in Cyprus. Sponsors include the Cyprus Tourism Organization..
For more information please visit the seminar’s blog at