“This is a great honour for Cyprus and for peace builders in the region to be recognised for their efforts and expertise”, says Future Worlds Center, as it facilitates a structured dialogue workshop in Cyprus from 26–30 July to empower civil society actors from Israel and the Palestinian territories
Cypriot non-governmental organisation Future Worlds Center (FWC) based in Nicosia, Cyprus has been awarded a contract from the European Commission for a 3-year EU project entitled, “Human Rights and Reconciliation – Civil Society Acts Beyond Borders”. The project aims to empower civil society actors, youth, and local authorities in Israel and the Palestinian territories through a comprehensive set of structured dialogue workshops, civil society trainings, as well as multi-communal public debates, round tables and conferences.
With the assistance of partners, the Palestinian Dialogue Center (PDC) in the Palestinian Territories and the Association for Progressive Education in Honor of Meir Yaari (YAARI) in Israel, Future Worlds Center will be utilising the strategies that have proved most effective from their years of experience in conflict resolution work in Cyprus. Through the use of the science of Structured Dialogic Design (SDD) and capacity building trainings for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), the partners will work together to contribute positively to civil society in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
From 26 July to 30 July, a group of Palestinians and Israelis will be in Larnaca, Cyprus to participate in a series of SDD workshops facilitated by Dr. Aleco Christakis, father of the science and Dr. Yiannis Laouris, president of the board of Future Worlds Center. Laouris says the aim is to empower these stakeholders to “act in a more coherent manner for jointly agreed upon aims, enhancing the enforcement of equal standards, participation of women and youth, thus strengthening democratic processes and promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts”.
Laouris explains that the reason Structured Democratic Dialogue (SDD) process was chosen is “that it facilitates the peaceful conciliation and management of group interests and promotes solutions on divisive matters or controversial areas by actively engaging civil society actors to collaborate on jointly developed community action projects to foster mutual understanding”. “With SDD,” continues Laouris, “the participants can create joint, strategic action plans to promote greater cohesion in working on democratic participation and representation of underrepresented groups in civil society”.
Moreover, the project, “Human Rights and Reconciliation – Civil Society Acts Beyond Borders” (EuropeAid/127237/C/ACT/Multi) aims to enhance the capacity within CSOs to act within their community, and on a national as well as a trans-national level.
Future Worlds Center (FWC) is “building inter-linked socio-techno-cultural worlds through science and dialogue”. Our mission is to explore and utilize the evolution of information and communication technologies to strengthen the process of peace-building and civic education, and to disseminate and promote the principles of Human Rights, Tolerance and Diversity.
Formed in 1991, Future Worlds Center has a long history of activities and projects that promote peace and reconciliation in Cyprus. FWC supports and empowers democratic peace-oriented civil society initiatives and is the European leader in using the Structured Democratic Dialogue (SDD) process.
For more information about “Human Rights and Reconciliation – Civil Society Acts Beyond Borders” (EuropeAid/127237/C/ACT/Multi) go to (http://www.actbeyondborders.net/)
For more information on Structured Democratic Dialogue (SDD) process: