Friday 20 February 2009

FWC partners with other EU countries in the new ACID Project

FWC will participate as a partner in the newly approved European Union project called “Active Citizens for Intercultural Dialogue” or ACID for short. The project aims at: giving citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an ever closer Europe, which is democratic and world-oriented, united in and enriched through its cultural diversity, thus developing citizenship of the European Union.

The specific objectives of the project proposal are:
To support citizens' panels in all participating countries which enable the active interaction and discussion among citizens on the importance of intercultural dialogue at European level;
To collect the opinion of citizens on a key European challenge for the future such as the intercultural dialogue in a multicultural Europe;
To create mechanisms that enable European citizens to develop civic competences, to formulate their views and opinions on the European integration process in the form of recommendations for policy makers at European level;
To encourage the dialogue between European citizens and the institutions of the EU, empowering citizens as regards EU policies and their impact, and ensuring appropriate follow up of citizens' opinions by the EU institutions.

The target group of the project ACID will be young people and young adults (aged 18-30 years old), migrants and refugees, adults and aged people, politicians, representatives of the civil society (NGOs, cultural associations, trade unions), teachers and educators from the participating countries. Special attention will be paid to involving ordinary citizens of different demographic, social and professional backgrounds and to involving citizens' who would not have spontaneously participated in projects of a European nature.

The countries participating in the project are: Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, and Portugal. FWC associates will travel to Romania 1 March for the kick off meeting. Contact Larry Fergeson for more information.

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